mandag 5. mars 2012

Oppgåve A

OPPGAVE A: Skriv et blogginnlegg der du forstørrer ett av følgende to øyeblikk:
Øyeblikk 1: Du sitter på bussen på veg heim fra skolen en ettermiddag. Du er trøtt etter en slitsom dag på skolen, og du ønsker at det skal være stille rundt deg. Men så kommer to eldre damer på, og setter seg på setene rett bak deg. De er av den meget pratsomme sorten.
Øyeblikk 2: Du kommer gående bortover Thomas Angells gate ca. klokka seks en lørdags ettermiddag. Det er ganske lite folk ute, men du ser tre godt berusa unge gutter egle seg inn på en norsk soldat som går like foran deg. Soldaten har mørk hud, og de tre guttene snakker svært nedsettende til han. Det er tydelig at de vil slåss. Du vurderer om du skal gripe inn, men lar det være. 

Øyeblikk 1: Eg gikk på bussen, betalde og gjekk og satte meg på eit toersete som var ledig. Musikken var i øyrene og eg var klar til å stenge verden ute. Det hadde vært ein slitsom dag på skulen og eg holdt på å segne om av trøyttheit, men akkurat da eg skulle forsvinne ut i mi eiga verd og kanskje til og med sove ei lita stund kom den verste sorten mennesker på bussen. Eg la først merke til at dei bråkte veldig når dei skulle entre bussen og dei måtte selvfølgelig betale dei tredve kronane i einkroningar. Dei to gamle damene hadde begge nesten blått hår og beige jakke, rynkane i fjeset var godt utvikla men begge hadde sminka seg så dei så ut som troll. Eg stengde dei ute og tenkte at dei sikkert ikkje kom til å bråke når dei hadde fått planta rumpa si på setet. Musikken dunka svakt i øyrene og eg lukka auga. Latteren skremde livet av meg, den raspande lyden trengde gjennom musikken og eg åpna augane raskt for å se kvar den kom frå. Kilden var selvfølgeleg dei to gamle damane som no hadde plassert seg på seta rett bak meg. Dei prata som ein foss om barnebarna, vin, feireturar og kattane sine. Volumet på musikken steig meir og meir ettersom dei fortsatte men det virka som om kvar einaste gang eg skrudde på volumknappen begynte dei også å snakke høgare. Blodet pumpa i årene og eg hadde eit sterkt ønskje om å hoppe opp og skrike " hold kjeft jævla sladderkjerringar ! " Eg gjorde ikkje det, eg satt stille og irriterte meg aleine helt til eg gjekk av bussen.

mandag 13. februar 2012

Why I love sports

Sports has colored my life every day for the past sixteen years, I grew up going to all sorts of arenas with my dad. He would bring me to his own handball matches, to see Rosenborg and also at hockey games before I even could walk, and I sat there and watched it all form my stroller. I have played handball, football, a tiny bit of hockey and I have danced. All this have made me the person I am socially and mentally. I think you learn a lot by doing sports, you learn how to win and lose and in team sports (which are my favorites) you learn how to play together as a team. Sports is a gathering thing and I bring people together, through TV and radio thousands of people watch the same games and cheers for the same teams. You can have a conversation with a complete stranger and he or she would have made herself an opinion about sports. It is also a great way to keep in shape and be healthy, I know there’s a lot of training centers around the country but a lot of what is good with sports is the fact that you have someone to train with and the team spirit you feel when you lose and win together. You learn a lot about being unselfish and cooperating with others but also when to take your own chances when you get them. And last but not least it’s fun while you are doing it!

The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

Would I be able to take care of a child with asbergers ?
If you get a child with asbergers you have to give up a lot of your own interests and that might be a difficult thing to do. On the other hand this is your child and you have a responsibility towards the child which means that you have to take care of it. It might be hard to spend so much of your time and energy focused on giving the child what he/she needs that it can be easy to lose yourself while doing it. You’ll miss going out with friends, interest you have and you might have to put your career to a halt. Even if I would lose a these things I don’t think I would be able to give my child away, I won’t say I have all the qualities that you should have to take care of a kid like that, but who does? I don’ think we can imagine how it is before we have spent some time with people with this condition and it will be hard to learn how his/her mind works but eventually I think I’ll get used to being around my child. The fact that you’re often two people who is sharing the task also makes it easier to deal with. Then you can arrange that someone can have a night of sometimes and I think that would be an enormous help. But not only your partner but also the rest of the family is important for this to work.

Skulle ha vært publisert tidligere men hadde blitt lagret i kladd istedet for å bli postet på vanlig måte.

mandag 21. november 2011

Bildeanalyse :)

Fengslet kjærlighet
Bildet vårt er av to hender som danner et hjerte bak to jernstenger med en murvegg som bakgrunn. Bildet er tatt fra normalperspektiv og er i svart/hvitt. Det er vanskelig og snakke om forgrunn, bakgrunn og mellomgrunn på den samme måten vi har snakket om tidligere men man kan si at jernstengene er lengst frem i bildet (forgrunnen), hendene er i midten (mellomgrunnen) og murveggen er bakerst (bakgrunnen.) Fargebruken er mørke farger og med sterke kontraster.
Teknikkene som er brukt er fotografi og en del redigering.
Bilde forestiller to hender som sammen danner ett hjerte, hendene er bak jernstenger og med en murvegg i bakgrunnen. Motivet er plassert i midten av bilde og blir på en måte rammet inn av de svarte jernstengene.
Bildet er tatt i normalperspektiv og er et stilleben (et oppstilt, abstrakt bilde.) De vertikale linjene i bildet er også med på å skape uro og spenning samtidig som at fargene i bildet gir det et dystert, litt trist utrykk. I tillegg former hendene et hjerte noe som ligner litt på en sirkel, noe som kan virke samlende.
Bildet kan symbolisere mange ting, både fengslet og ulovlig kjærlighet. I noen land har for eksempel ikke homofile lov til å vise sin kjærlighet og det kan virke som om kjærligheten deres er fanget. Par som ellers ikke kan være sammen av forskjellige grunner kan også kjenne seg igjen i bildet. Hjertet er jo et allment symbol på kjærlighet og slike jernstenger symboliserer ofte fengsel eller annen fangenskap. Det kan også stå for at man holder følelsene sine inne, at man ikke tør å vise for den man elsker hva man føler og dermed ”fengsler” følelsene sine. Bildets farger er også med på å skape den dystre stemningen men at hendene lyser opp på den måten de gjør fører til at man allikevel ser håp i den håpløse situasjonen man kanskje føler man er i. 

søndag 23. oktober 2011

Mumbai part three!

The third day of my Mumbai adventure is over and what an amazing day! Today we went to Bollywood or Film city as some would call it. It was amazing and I've been looking forward to this day for ages. I don't know how they made it happen but my parents had got us into an touristgroup that was privileged to witness a real bollywood film recording. I was so exited I couldn't sit still in the cab on the way to the studio. when we got there a group of people stood there waiting for us with a guide. the guide showed us the way into the recording studio and we found our seats. It was really exiting and I learned alot of things that I din't know before about the filmindustri. The scene they were recording was the final scene when the couple that was in the movie finally got togheter and after a big kiss a bunch of people burst into an traditional bollywood-dance. It is incredble how many people they were going to put into the relatively small recording studio, but htey manaed an all the dancers were pretty good at dancing. Now I really wanna become an actress, think how it would be to do things like that for a living? Kiss a hot guy and then dance around for two minutes. No problem! When the director was happy with the scene we all went for a little tour around the other studios and the rest of the area. I must say that this has been one of the best days of my life and I feel lucky to have been in a bollywood recording studio.
This was the movie they recorded :)

Well, that was the end of my Mumbai adventure. To bad we couldn't be here longer but I have things to do back home to, and i'm so not looking forward to waking up at 4 am and flying home but you gotta do what you gotta do!

The second day in Mumbai :)

Hi there! this city is AMAZING! Today I have been on sightseeing all over the city. We started our sightseeing at the Gateway of india which is Mumbais most famous monument it was built for the visit of king George V and queen Mary. It was really enourmous and the details were beutiful.One thing we noticed that there were alot of tourists there and almost nolocal peple exept for the guides. I wanted to go somewere we could experience a bit of the local culture as well and so I decided that we should take a little walk in the markets. The markets were great, the stands were many and in all different shapes and colours. There were food, cothing and jewelry stands all over and the people selling were very nice but also a bit pushy. The food we ate was amazing and very exotic. There were snakes, differnet insects and also living larvaes. I didn't stand to eat the living things the thought of something crawling around in your mouth at the same time as you are chrushing its bones and inner organs is just something I can live without. My dad though kind of liked them ;) On the marked there were also the most amazing fabrics, the purest silk and the finest patterns were just astonishing. I would l o v e to have a dress or maybe a local clothing made of those fabrics. Me and my mom bought a piece of fabric each and are planning to sow something out of it but I just don't know what a should make yet. I also bought some souvenirs and gifts for my friends.
 The Gate to India.
 A tiny bitt of the market.
 Some gourgeous earings, and sooo cheap!
 beautiful colours!
 A lot of shoes
 More earrings, i bought some for my friends.
A small part of the fabrics.

travelblog 01.07

 Hi you! Right now i'm sitting in the hotelroom just relaxing and watching indian TV. We landed on Mumbai airport two hours ago, and right now i'm really tired. the first thing I noticed with the city is all of the people. It's crowded everywhere we go, and the people are also extremely different. Everything from super-rich bollywood actors to the poorest orphans who pick garbage for a living. It's really amazing how the caste system is working. you really notice how some people have a higher rank than others  and some who is almost looked upon as dust. The traffic in Mumbai seeme to be without rules and is all about who yelles the most. The cabdriver was using the horn and shouting out the window non-stop almost hitting people and cars and carefully avoiding the cows. The cows is a strange phenomenom with an extremely high status, i find the cultural differnece very strange. In western countries the cows is looked upon as only sources of meat and milk but in india they are treated as gods. what's with these skinny creatures that is so remarcable that they deserve to be treated as gods? Well i dont know but her are some pictures i took while driving the cab.
 The extremly crowded and thight streets.
 A picture i took as we flew in over Mumbai
 The extreme traffic in Mumbai.

 Random man.
 Cow just cillin in the sreet like a god!
Another cow...